Irfan Moinuddin, Santosh Nagaraju and Jonathan Fridell. “Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation”. Renal Transplantation. Ron Shapiro, Ed. To be Published Soon.
Moinuddin I, Hameed T, Sharfuddin A. Diagnostic Kidney Imaging. Scientific American Nephrology, Dialysis, and Transplantation (SANDT). Published Nov 2016.
Moinuddin, Irfan K and Leehey, David J. “Aerobic Exercise and CKD”. Aerobic Exercise and Athletic Performance: Types, Duration and Health Benefits. Editor David C. Lieberman. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Publishers. Pp. 323-340. 2010.
Moinuddin, Irfan K and Leehey, David J. “The story of parenteral iron therapy”. Dialysis: History, Development, andPromise. Editors: Todd S. Ing, MB, FACP, Mohamed A. Rahman, MD, FACP and Carl M. Kjellstrand, MD, PhD, FACP. Hackensack, New Jersey: World Scientific, pp. 705-713. 2012.