Aadaab Arz Hai!

The Urdu Society of North America is an organization dedicated to the dissemination of Urdu and Classical Hindi Poetry throughout the world!

This site is presently under construction.

The USNA is proud to sponsor the Urdu poetry of Dr Irfan Khaja Moinuddin spanning three decades (1992-2021)!


Irfan Moinuddin’s life, and hence his poetry, has gone through three major phases: 

1.  Deconstruction and reconstruction

2.  Inner struggle and self rediscovery 

3.  Human unification:  From Man to Human. 

Phase one of his life has been faithfully expressed in his first volume of poetry, namely Ilham:  Inspired Verses.  Phase two is documented in the current volume of poetry, i.e. the second volume poetry entitled Ihsan Iman:  Verses of Perfection and Faith.  The the third phase of his poetry will mainly be showcased in his third volume of poetry to be published at some point in the future.  It promises to be the most challenging and ecstasy-producing phase of his poetry.  It is a direct and expected result of the first two phases of his life.  Through deconstruction and reconstruction, Irfan was able to confirm the potency of the Islamic faith despite repeated intellectual challenge.  Through inner struggle and self rediscovery, Irfan’s rational confirmation and affirmation of the Islamic faith underwent life altering implementation mainly through mystical comprehension and resultant divine guidance.  Since a fundamental teaching of Islam is self annihilation, universal brotherhood of humanity and unconditional love for all of God’s creation, the third phase of poetry will, therefore, focus on the unification of mankind and the elevation of man to the status of human!   

Buy your copy of Ihsan Iman: Verses of Perfection and Faith today at Amazon.com
Buy your copy of Ilham: Inspired Verses Now!!

USNA loosely follows the Consonant transliteration proposed by Platts displayed below:

USNA follows the Vowel transliteration scheme proposed by Platts displayed below. For long syllables, the corresponding Roman vowels are either capitalized or repeated (Ex: A or aa).

Please send any comments, criticisms and suggestions to usnabiz1@gmail.com.  Thanks!

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